Monday, November 1, 2010

Staying Healthy as We Age

It's easy to take good health for granted when we are young. Our whole lives stretch before us and the idea of sleeping well, eating healthily and getting lots of good exercise doesn't seem to apply to us.

But things can change very quickly as the years start to mount up. There comes a time when we all start to realise we are getting older, and this is when we should start thinking about living a healthier life for as long as possible.

The good news is that there is a lot we can all do to make sure we feel as good as we can throughout our lives. The best way to make healthy changes that will stick with us is to only do a few small things at a time. The trouble is that most people do the exact opposite of this.

For instance, how many people do you know who have gone on a strict diet on a Monday morning? It never seems to start any other day – it always has to be a Monday. But you can start making smaller changes every day of the week with no trouble at all, and they are more likely to be long lasting ones as well.

The same applies to exercise. We will feel better as we get older if we can take on regular exercise – something that we enjoy doing. But if we suddenly start running for miles when we aren't used to it, we aren't likely to keep it up. This is especially true if we don't enjoy running much in the first place.

You can see that the best way forward, no matter what age you are, is to make small and sensible changes to your lifestyle. Take a look at how you live now. Be honest – you can probably see where small changes would make a big difference. Perhaps you could drink a few less pints a week? How about walking the dog an extra half a mile each day? Maybe you could also eat one sandwich for lunch instead of two, and leave out the mayonnaise once in a while?

This is the route to staying in better shape as we get older. There are other things we can do as well that will help in a practical sense. It's natural to get more aches and pains as we age, but you should always be aware of what is normal and what isn't in your body. This way you will be able to spot changes and ask your doctor about them. Having a regular health assessment can also be a great help in this sense.

We all have control over how we live our lives. By taking control in a responsible manner we can all feel better as we age.
About the Author
Janine Barclay writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.
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  1. Hi, Janine ...

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment about my blog post on pomegranates. I'm glad it led me to your blog and I look forward to exploring it. Your suggestions for staying in shape as we age are very sensible and "do-able." I need to incorporate some of them into my daily routine.

  2. Thanks for coming by my blog. I will become your first follower. This article is very good in that it encourages one to at least try to make small changes in their lifestyle. I'm happy to meet you and have a great day.
